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Member Benefits

Make New Business Contacts:

As a member of the Greater Fort Kent Area Chamber of Commerce, your business is included on a membership listing which is distributed to companies, organizations, and our other members.

Workforce Partners Program:

This is a college program opportunity offered by the University of Maine for all employees affiliated with a Maine State Chamber. Benefits include: 100% flexible online education. 12% off tuition. Streamlined admission, zero application fees, and dedicated academic advising is included. (More information available at the Chamber Office)

Marketing your Products and Services by Referrals:

The Chamber spreads the word about your services on our website, in emails, on social media and over the phone. The chamber office regularly receives requests for information about local businesses and organizations. As a member, the Chamber automatically refers your business first. We share generous amounts of information about your products and services to the hundreds of locals and tourists who contact us requesting information.

Investment in the Greater Fort Kent Area:

Investing in the Chamber allows us to promote your business with Co-op advertising as we strive to draw tourists to our area. It also helps the Chamber assist individuals who desire to relocate to the Greater Fort Kent area.

Increased Knowledge of the Greater Fort Kent Area:

Attend our monthly board meetings to become aware of happenings in the Greater Fort Kent community. You will have the opportunity to share your individual concerns and unique ideas during the board meetings. Members are also welcome to volunteer for events, which increases and enriches personal knowledge of the area.

Membership Listings and Mailing Labels

As a Chamber member, you are on our mailing and emailing list. Your event/business events can be distributed to other members through this benefit.

Greater Fort Kent Area Chamber of Commerce Website:

Our active website,, is linked to the Maine Office of Tourism,,, and Maine Tourism Association, as well as other publications. Our website will provide your business information as well as a direct link to your business’s website. We also do the same with our Facebook page which also helps promote events and provide information about the area.

The Executive Director of the Chamber:

Executive Director is closely involved in trade shows, open houses, mixers, and conferences to represent the members of the Chamber of Commerce. The Executive Director attends Aroostook County conferences and informational meetings. Other involvements and associations include:

  • Local events
  • Maine Tourism Association
  • Aroostook County Tourism Committee
  • Aroostook County Chamber Executives (ACCE)
  • Maine Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives(MACCE)
  • New England Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (NEACCE)
  • Maine Acadian Heritage Council
  • Outdoor recreation organizations in the Greater Fort Kent area
  • Can-Am Committee

Chamber Discounts:

Chamber members are all eligible for 10% off at the Chamber Store (which includes Mile 0/ Americas First Mile and Fort Kent items and attire) Chamber members are guaranteed a Craft Fair Space at no cost at our Annual Arts&Crafts Fair/ Small Business Saturday Event. Chamber members and employees can sign up to give other members a % off at their participating locations which will be obtained by showing their Chamber ID Card.

The Chamber’s Commitment:

We insure an un-biased relationship with all the members of the Chamber. Our goal is to communicate with every member, keeping all equally informed of changes within the community as well as within the Chamber. Questions, concerns, and ideas are always warmly welcomed.

The Chamber Utilizes Local Attractions:

Members have an advantage of being in a close-knit community with so many recreational attractions. By advertising at these locations, the Chamber is able to promote your business in high-traffic or popular tourist areas. These attractions include Lonesome Pine Trails, Fort Kent Outdoor Center (formerly – 10th Mountain), the local golf course, area historical societies, the Canadian border, the Allagash, Fish and St John Rivers, the Can-Am races, and several of our own festivals.

The Chamber’s Destination Guide:

The Greater Fort Kent Area Destination Guide highlights local restaurants, places of lodging, shops, and recreational services. This guide can be located in our Chamber office, where we distribute them to walk-in tourists and mail them to prospective tourists requesting local information via mail. They are also placed in Visitor Centers across Maine’s I-95. Should your business information change at any time, please contact the Chamber office and inform us.

The Chamber and Strategic Committees:

The Greater Fort Kent Area Chamber of Commerce participates in both local and state economic development strategy committees. The Chamber is involved with the Northern Maine Development Commission and local economic development offices. The Chamber also meets with local, state, and federal representatives to discuss economic issues pertaining to our area.

The Chamber’s Equipment:

Members may utilize our mobile sign to advertise events, bouncy house, cotton candy machine, and face painting equipment at no cost for youth attending your event.

The Chamber Distributes Maps:

We bring area maps to Visitor Centers located throughout the State. The maps we provide not only promote the scenic St. John Valley area, but also invite tourists to your business. We also provide input in maps being created of the area.

The Chamber’s Annual Meeting:

During this special meeting, our members are honored and awards are given to outstanding members. New Chamber officials are nominated and elected to the Board of Directors.

The Chamber will share your news with other members.

To promote your business/event, the Chamber of Commerce will forward your announcements in a bi-weekly e-newsletter format that is sent to our email distribution list. Members are occasionally spotlighted in each segment for awareness and visibility. Simply send your important news or information about your upcoming events to

Ready to Join? Sign up today!

By becoming a member of the Chamber and utilizing the services we offer, you will enhance and strengthen your business presence not only in the St. John Valley, but throughout Aroostook County and beyond. Join today!

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