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About Us

About The Greater Fort Kent Area Chamber of Commerce

Welcome to the Greater Fort Kent Area Chamber of Commerce, where our mission is to promote and advance a healthy business environment. Nestled in the heart of our vibrant community, we are dedicated to fostering economic vitality, enhancing tourism, and supporting community development, all while preserving the rich cultural heritage that defines our unique region.

At the Greater Fort Kent Area Chamber of Commerce, we believe that a thriving local economy is the backbone of a vibrant community. We are committed to supporting our local businesses through a variety of initiatives and programs designed to increase visibility and drive growth. From small startups to established enterprises, we provide the tools and resources necessary for every business to succeed, adapt, and flourish in today’s dynamic economic landscape.

Our efforts extend beyond business support; we are deeply involved in promoting tourism and organizing community events that showcase the unique charm and cultural richness of the Greater Fort Kent area. These activities not only bring our community together but also attract visitors from across the globe, contributing to the economic and cultural vitality of our area. Join us as we work together to create a prosperous future that honors our past, celebrates our present, and builds towards an exciting and inclusive future. Discover more about how we can help you grow, connect, and thrive in the Greater Fort Kent area.

Our Mission
Promote and Advance a Healthy Business Environment and Tourism

ribbon cutting
fort kent historic marker monument
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